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Showing posts from 2023


 The value of freedom is greater than the value of convenience... true freedom, as in the freedom to wake up when you want and be able to freely choose how you spend your time every day, not just on the weekends or your days off. Once experienced, the value of true freedom is far greater than the value of convenience. Consider for a moment the fact that if you had the freedom to plan your day however your wanted, your life would probable look much differently. What would be convenient for you would also change. Driving 20 minutes to the nearest grocery store would seem very inconvenient if you were also working 40+ hours a week, but if you didn't have to work, 20 minutes away might seem like a good excuse to get out and go do something. Living in an expensive area just because we want to be close to things and near stuff we like to do, means that you will be working more and giving up more of your freedom to afford that lifestyle. Changing your mindset to accept being uncomfortable

Thoughts as 2023 comes to an End!

A lot on my mind, but no words to express it

The Problem/Problems with Revisiting the Past

Joel Robuchon at MGM Grand

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